Glen Leavitt

Retired Montana University System
Dillon, Mont.
Glen Leavitt grew up in Missoula. After receiving a BA from the University of Montana he entered the Marines and served in Vietnam. He then returned to UM and received an MBA. He worked in Helena for seven years for the Legislative Auditor and Governor’s Office of Budget and Program Planning, before coming to Dillon in 1982 as chief fiscal/admin officer for WMC, now UM Western. After sixteen years he took a position with the Commissioner of Higher Education in Helena, but remained with his family in Dillon, commuting weekly. He is now retired. He and his wife Pug have two sons who grew up in Dillon. He has served on the UMW Foundation board for over 30 years.
“I enjoy serving on the UMW Foundation because it keeps me connected to the University and with the young people who come here. In my professional life I saw the ratio of tax money to other funds steadily decrease, causing the need for increased tuition and other funds. When I started working at Western, a careful student could pay tuition, fees, housing, and books with a half time minimum wage job, and we provided many such jobs on campus. This is no longer possible and students must take out loans or drop out to work full time. I see the difference the Foundation makes with scholarships, equipment, faculty travel to conferences, and campus life. “