Hancock: Emerick Art Scholarship

Established by Barbara Hancock to remember her friend and teacher Mary Baker Emerick.
Awarded to a worthy art student.
Bio of Barbara Hancock
A native of Seattle, WA, and daughter of a mining engineer and government nurse, Miss Hancock was reared in historic Montana mining towns, graduated from Butte High School and earned the two-year diploma from Montana Western in 1939. While teaching at Dewey, Dutton and Billings, she continued studies at WMC and Eastern Montana College, earning her bachelor's degree from Montana Western in 1948. Moving to Vallejo, CA, Barbara resumed teaching and graduate study which culminated with a master's degree in Educational Supervision and Administration at San Francisco State University. She later served as supervisor and consultant for California schools while also directing summer classes at WMC and extension courses at California State University. Miss Hancock, who retired in 1975, harbors treasured memories of the Dillon college. "The best years of my life," she recalls, "were at Western, thanks to my school friends and the wonderfully able and understanding faculty - including Georgia Mathews and particularly Mary Baker Emerick who taught me, encouraged me and cared about me, not only as a student but as a person in college and afterwards."