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UMW Hoops 6th Man Club
UMW Track and Field Hometown Sponsorship
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What We Do
AAUW Scholarship
Albertson: Genevieve Albertson Shakespeare Club Memorial Scholarship
Alpha Delta Kappa (ADK): Delta Chapter Scholarship
Albeck: Arlie Albeck Elementary Education Scholarship
Alumni Scholarship
Andersen: Georgiana & Hans Andersen Scholarship
Anderson: Viola Lovell Anderson Scholarship in Elementary Education
Armstrong: Ed and Eileene Armstrong Education Scholarship
Arnott: Connor Arnott Memorial Scholarship
Beaverhead Education Association Book Award
Bender: Albert & Ethel Bender Scholarship
Bender: William S. Bender Memorial Scholarship
Bennett: Patty Bennett Memorial Scholarship
Benson: Arnold & Cora A. Benson Scholarship
Bierrum: William C. Bierrum Memorial Scholarship
Business & Technology Bill O’Connor Scholarship
Buttrey: Jane Buttrey Memorial Scholarship
Camp Fortunate Chapter Members Scholarship
Carver: Irene Carver Memorial Scholarship
Cebull: Edward Cebull Memorial Scholarship
Chance Scholarship
Chiddix Math Education Scholarship
Clay: Lula Mae Clay Scholarship
Colvin: Terry Colvin Memorial Scholarship
Crouse: Sisterson Memorial Scholarship
Dahl: Clarence Dahl Jr. Scholarship
Daughters of the American Revolution Silver Bow Chapter “Golden Gift” Scholarship
Davis Memorial Scholarship
Davis: Carl & Martha Davis Anniversary Scholarship
Dillon Garden Club Scholarship in honor of Doris Richard
Dunfee: Kristen Lynn Dunfee Memorial Scholarship
Eccleston: Clyde Eccleston Memorial Scholarship
Elementary Education Scholarship
Emerick: DI Emerick Scholarship
Engellant Basketball Scholarship
English: Robert & Carol English Memorial Scholarship
English Department Scholarship
ENGINE 18, LLC Scholarship
Environmental Science Department Scholarship
Erb Honor Scholarship
Evenson: Roy Evenson Grant Scholarship
Faculty Association Scholarship
Feldt: Jean Feldt Memorial Scholarship
Fields: Catherine D. Fields Scholarship
Flying W Scholarship
Freshman Honor Scholarship
Gallatin Cattlewomen Scholarship
Gerringa Family Scholarship in honor of Bob & Clara Gerringa
Guelff: Michael Guelff Memorial Scholarship
Hancock: Emerick Art Scholarship
Haynes: Jack & Isabel Haynes Scholarship
Heisey Foundation Scholarship
Hirschy: Dick Hirschy Memorial Scholarship
Helm Memorial Scholarship
Honors Scholarship
Hull: Frank (Frog) Hull Scholarship
IVCF: Bridenstine Award
Jacobson: Norman & Maurine Jacobson Education Scholarship
Jaycees Scholarship
KDBM-KBEV Scholarship
Kovatch: James P. Kovatch and the Sons & Daughters of Montana Pioneers (SDMP)
Lalonde: Jay Lalonde Memorial Scholarship
Larsen: Kleis Larsen Scholarship
Link: Larry and Darleen Link Memorial Scholarship
Lulack “Rock Jock” Scholarship
Marold: Zac Marold Memorial Scholarship
McCarvel: Joseph E. McCarvel Scholarship
Miller: Maier Miller Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Robert M Miller, DVM Scholarship
Miller: Sherry Lynn Miller Memorial
Mock: Robert Mock Memorial
Monaco: Robert Monaco Memorial
Morningstar: Katherine L. Morningstar Scholarship for Traditional Students
Morningstar: Katherine L. Morningstar Scholarship for Non-Traditional Students
Morstein: Brenda Morstein Elementary Education Scholarship
Mular: Gerta & Bill Mular Scholarship
1999-2000 Bulldog Women's Basketball Team Scholarship
1970's Western Montana College Alumni Scholarship
Orr: Elizabeth Ann Orr Memorial Scholarship
Orr: Lee E. Orr Scholarship
Orr: Margaret R. Orr Memorial Scholarship
Osborne: L.S. & Della Osborne Memorial Scholarship
Ovitt: Dean Ovitt Memorial Scholarship
Pendergast Scholarship
Chapter AD, P.E.O. Scholarship
Pelletier: Sarah Pelletier Special Education Scholarship
Peters Education Scholarship
Pioneer Federal Savings and Loan Scholarship: Honoring Phyllis & Tom Welch
Psychology Scholarship
Rehm: Craig Rehm Excellence in Business Scholarship
Richardson: Swede Richardson Memorial Scholarship
Rohlf: Colton Tanner Rohlf Memorial Scholarship
Rotary Scholarship
Ryburn Memorial Scholarship
Sampson Rural Scholarship
Sharples: Wallace & Ersel Webb Sharples Memorial Scholarship
Shepherd: David Shepherd Memorial Scholarship
Short: James and Dorothy Short Scholarship
Simkins: Forever MJ #18 Scholarship
Simon: Frank Simon Memorial Scholarship
Sloan: Carol C. and O. Temple Sloan Business Scholarship
Sloan: Carol C. and O. Temple Sloan Rodeo Scholarship
Smith: Howard Smith Memorial
Smith: Wayne W. Smith Elementary Education Scholarship
Sneed: Hobert and Mayme Sneed Memorial Scholarship
Soroptimist Memorial Scholarship
Spehar: Jim Spehar Memorial
Spruce: Marny Spruce Scholarship
Stearns: Sheila Stearns Leadership Scholarship
Steele: Reese Foundation Scholarship
Stewart: Greg Stewart Memorial Scholarship
Stradinger: Fred and Susie Stradinger Scholarship
Straugh: Bill and Virginia Straugh Athletic Scholarship
Tash: Dale Tash Memorial Scholarship
2019 Bulldog Women's Basketball National Championship Team Scholarship
UMW Foundation Academic Scholarship
UMW Foundation General Academic Scholarship
Vanderzanden: Donald W. Vanderzanden Memorial Award
Vanderzanden Family Scholarship
Washburn History Award
Washington: Dennis and Phyllis Washington Scholarship
Wells Fargo Bank Scholarship
Picton: Ethel Taylor Picton Education Scholarship
Initiatives & Campaigns
Experience One Campaign
Our Impact
Legacy Brick Catalog
Scholarship Application Link
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Pioneer Federal Savings & Loan
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UMW Hoops 6th Man Club
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