Please consider joining the UMW Track and Field Hometown Sponsorship program.
As Coach Taylor Grove works to recruit the best student athletes in Montana and beyond, it is becoming increasingly difficult to recruit student athletes without additional scholarship and program resources.
Would you consider a Hometown Sponsorship to support a student athlete or coach from their hometown?
Sponsorship includes your business logo and a link to your business's website on the student athlete or coach bio page located on the UMW Bulldogs website. This logo and link will be in place until January 2026.
Thank you for considering your support of Bulldog Track and Field.
Scholarship support is often the critical factor that brings a student athlete to Montana Western and keeps them here while they earn their degree. On average over 75% of our students are pell eligible, first generation or have a documented disabaility.
Scholarship support is the catlyst that helps them reach their goals.
Thank you for helping to make that possible.