GEO 194: Geology of Greece
Discover over 200 million years of geologic history in Greece and how it helped shape the development of humans and civilizations in this historic region of the world. Students in this study abroad experience will learn how to identify different types of rocks and minerals, geologic structures, the plate tectonic processes that formed them, and how the most recent geological activity has shaped the human experience in this part of the world.
Students will leave early in Block 8 and return about two weeks later. The course will conclude with a photo journal, geohistory summary, and public presentation. Interested students should contact Professor of Geology, Dr. Rob Thomas, no later than September 29, 2023, at rob.thomas@umwestern.edu.
Iceland: Climate Change and Arctic Ecology: Geological, Ecological, & Sustainability Investigations
During this study abroad experience, students will have the opportunity to tour a large portion of Iceland while learning the geology and ecology of this unique environment and will explore glaciers, geothermal activity, arctic vegetation, and native wildlife.
Students will travel abroad for two weeks of Block 8. Interested students should contact Professors Dr. Wendy M. Ridenour or Dr. Spruce Schoenemann at wendy.ridenour@umwestern.edu or spruce.schoenemann@umwestern.edu as soon as possible to register.